The trouble makers

Wow i can not believe that our classes and blogs are coming to an end. It seemed only yesterday was i writing my first paper, the class was so full of spring and life … ah but i am getting off track at the very start of this post. So from the start their was a character that caught my attention. I am always a sucker for a good antagonist and Iago fits the bill. He even has a cool name ( the name of the Jafar’s talking parrot in Aladdin.)  Well we can see right from the start that Iago is here to stir up so trouble. Iago is very good at manipulating people to do just what he wants them to.  One spot that is easy to see this is at the end of Act I where he reveals his plan to get Othello to believe that Cassio and Desdemona had something going so he could shame Othello and hurt him and get the promotion that was given away to Cassio. He has some deep hate for Othello because he think he has slept with his wife. Iago decides to make it his life goal to mess up Othello one way or another. That is another thing we can see from Iago, while other antagonist use brute strength to get what they want Iago uses cunning and ruses to get his way. He almost seems to take joy in seeing others miserable, but we have to take the good with the bad in this. Iago does have some “decent” qualities about him. He is a hard worker and loves what he does, he did get the position of Captain for something. I do think it is funny how he is some times called honest Iago, i guess that just really goes to show how naive and trusting Othello really is to Iago. I am really hoping that Iago’s plan will just work out and Othello go on a killing spree left and right at the end of the play… does that make me a bad or sick person ? Ahh who cares.